Pieces Of You
She's an ugly girl, does it make you want to kill her?
She's an ugly girl, do you want to kick in her face?
She's an ugly girl, she doesn't pose a threat.
She's an ugly girl, does that make you feel safe?
Ugly girl, ugly girl, do you hate her
Cause she's pieces of you?
She's a pretty girl, does she make you think nasty thoughts?
She's a pretty girl, do you want to tie her down?
She's a pretty girl, do you call her a bitch?
She's a pretty girl, did she sleep with your whole town?
Pretty girl, pretty girl, do you hate her
Cause she's pieces of you?
You say he's a faggot, does it make you want to hurt him?
You say he's a faggot, do you want to bash in his brain?
You say he's a faggot, does he make you sick to your stomach?
You say he's a faggot, are you afraid you're just the same?
Faggot, Faggot, do you hate him
Cause he's pieces of you?
You say he's a Jew, does it mean that he's tight?
You say he's a Jew, do you want to hurt his kids tonight?
You say he's a Jew, he'll never wear that funny hat again.
You say he's a Jew as though being born were a sin.
Oh Jew, oh Jew, do you hate him
Cause he's pieces of you?
〈Pieces Of You〉,收錄在Jewel 1995年《Pieces Of You》專輯。

西西一直推介Jewel的debut〈Pieces Of You〉,我卻從來沒有用心聽,嫌它悶,嫌它怪。這夜看蝦頭楊詩敏的獨腳戲,結束時響起Jewel清脆的聲音,幕後隱約見到蝦頭,隨著歌聲,緩慢舞動著肢體。平靜而有餘韻地結束了一段香港粗腿女生血淚史。
歌詞呼應演出內容,有若當頭棒喝。開場時候蝦頭飾演粗魯不堪的粗腿女生,因犯下夾死男人的大罪而被槍斃。蝦頭又講述少女時代因腿粗而遭遇的挫折,生鬼抵死血淋淋。從戲劇中找到自己的美麗,完場時蝦頭穿上短裙唱勁歌跳熱舞,自信爆棚地Rap自己,如雷掌聲後蝦頭以〈Pieces Of You〉作結,在舞動和歌詞構成的空間,讓觀眾可以靜靜呼吸、思考。
